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The Model View Controller design pattern – Model-View-Controller

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This chapter delves into the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, a cornerstone of modern software architecture that intuitively structures your code around entities. MVC is perfect for CRUD operations or to tap into the advanced features unavailable in Minimal APIs. The MVC pattern partitions your application into three interrelated parts: Models, Views, and Controllers.

  • Models, which represent our data and business logic.
  • Views, which are the user-facing components.
  • Controllers, that act as intermediaries, mediating the interaction between Models and Views.

With its emphasis on the separation of concerns, the MVC pattern is a proven pattern for creating scalable and robust web applications. In the context of ASP.NET Core, MVC has provided a practical approach to building applications efficiently for years. While we discussed REST APIs in Chapter 4, this chapter provides insight into how to use MVC to create REST APIs. We also address using Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) within this framework.In this chapter, we cover the following topics:

  • The Model-View-Controller design pattern
  • Using MVC with DTOs

Our ultimate goal is clean, maintainable, and scalable code; the ASP.NET Core MVC framework is a favored tool for achieving this. Let’s dive in!

The Model View Controller design pattern

Now that we have explored the basics of REST and Minimal APIs, it is time to explore the MVC pattern to build ASP.NET Core REST APIs.Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern commonly used in web development. It has a long history of building REST APIs in ASP.NET and is widely used and praised by many.This pattern divides an application into three interconnected components: the Model, the View, and the Controller. A View in MVC formerly represented a user interface. However, in our case, the View is a data contract that reflects the REST API’s data-oriented nature.

Dividing responsibilities this way aligns with the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) explored in Chapter 3, Architectural Principles. However, this is not the only way to build REST APIs with ASP.NET Core, as we saw in Chapter 5, Minimal APIs.

The new minimal API model mixed with the Request-EndPoint-Response (REPR) pattern can make building REST APIs leaner. We cover that pattern in Chapter 18, Request-EndPoint-Response (REPR). We could see REPR as what ASP.NET Core Razor Pages are to page-oriented web applications, but for REST APIs.

We often design MVC applications around entities, and each entity has a controller that orchestrates its endpoints. We called those CRUD controllers. However, you can design your controller to fit your needs.In the past few decades, the number of REST APIs just exploded to a gazillion; everybody builds APIs nowadays, not because people follow the trend but based on good reasons. REST APIs have fundamentally transformed how systems communicate, offering various benefits that make them indispensable in modern software architecture. Here are a few key factors that contribute to their widespread appeal:

  • Data Efficiency: REST APIs promote efficient data sharing across different systems, fostering seamless interconnectivity.
  • Universal Communication: REST APIs leverage universally recognized data formats like JSON or XML, ensuring broad compatibility and interoperability.
  • Backend Centralization: REST APIs enable the backend to serve as a centralized hub, supporting multiple frontend platforms, including mobile, desktop, and web applications.
  • Layered Backends: REST APIs facilitate the stratification of backends, allowing for the creation of foundational, low-level APIs that provide basic functionalities. These, in turn, can be consumed by higher-level, product-centric APIs that offer specialized capabilities, thus promoting a flexible and modular backend architecture.
  • Security Measures: REST APIs can function as gateways, providing security measures to protect downstream systems and ensuring data access is appropriately regulated—a good example of layering APIs.
  • Encapsulation: REST APIs allow for the encapsulation of specific units of logic into reusable, independent modules, often leading to cleaner, more maintainable code.
  • Scalability: due to their stateless nature, REST APIs are easier to scale up to accommodate increasing loads.

These advantages greatly facilitate the reuse of backend systems across various user interfaces or even other backend services. Consider, for instance, a typical mobile application that needs to support iOS, Android, and web platforms. By utilizing a shared backend through REST APIs, development teams can streamline their efforts, saving significant time and cost. This shared backend approach ensures consistency across platforms while reducing the complexity of maintaining multiple codebases.

We explore different such patterns in Chapter 19, Introduction to Microservices Architecture.